Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Migrating to Wordpress
The reason for my pronounced absence is because I'm in the process of moving ( or trying to) this blog to ( later on to paid hosting). Still working on themes and designs colours ; boring stuff really.
So whoever reads this blog should expect to see it revamped and with a new direction but on a different platform. I might or might not be updating this blog so don't expect anything for a while; at least until I change my mind about moving.
So whoever reads this blog should expect to see it revamped and with a new direction but on a different platform. I might or might not be updating this blog so don't expect anything for a while; at least until I change my mind about moving.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Video of the Day - '' Tecktonic Dance''
I got introduced to this dance by a little French friend of mine ( no not my gun:-) scarface reference...anyway) Pretty smooth dancing style perfect for our white cousins
Friday, June 12, 2009
Film review 'Kabluey'
For the past couple of weeks, Viasat 1 has been airing movies from a particular production house, New Films International. The movies that have been shown have however been a hit and miss.I thoroughly enjoyed ' Dating games people play' but slept through most of 'November' starring Courteney Cox (plays Monica in Friends).
In addition to the six or so movies I've seen from this production company, Kabluey is the best out of the lot in my opinion. It it is movie that talks about a family, that is made up of frustrated-with-life mom, two sons that are out of control( euphemism for Lucifer's incarnates) and a dad that's been posted to Iraq. Things naturally get to a boiling point for Leslie ( mom- Lisa Kudrow of Friends fame) who in an act of desperation ,turns to her estranged brother-in-law for help.
Salmon to the rescue.
Things dont get off to a good start with the kids though, the elder of the two in particular, turning on him with their juvenile destructive energy. Salmon eventually gets a menial job working as a walking ad campaign handing out fliers as a marcot for his employers.
The actor-writer-director of this film, Scott Prendergrast does a brilliant job with his impecable comedic timing and delivery. He reminds me of John Heder who plays the lead actor in Napoleon Dynamite ( a cult classic) with his geeky-awkward-funny-without-saying-a-word look.
For those of you who didn't see the film, buy the DVD or pray for the repeat on VS1.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Favourite entries
For lack of having anything to blog about for the moment, I have made a list of my favourite postings for the past couple of months. They range from music, arts, video and the like.... so in no particular order...
- Over 1.5 million views for my videos on youtube - until yt decided to take one of them down because of copyright infringement
- Weird and interesting things Part 1 & Part 2 [ My fav of the two ]
Pardon my abuse of the word favourite, it just happens to be my favourite word :-)
Monday, June 8, 2009
The curious case of the 'LAFA'

When we as human beings, get exposed to a certain culture whether we get to experience it first hand or long distance we will end up picking up elements of that foreign culture; Accent, food, fashion sense and yes, even our taste in women or men for that matter. Whether this happens consciously because one finds it more appealing and cooler to talk like an American or we just slip into the tongue just because we watched too much TV flooded with foreign programs is beside the point. The fact is it happens; its human nature.
People who acquire LAFA are constantly exposed to MTV, CNN, listening to music reading foreign entertainment mags etc...( yes you can acquire LAFA by reading; i was once told i had a Brit accent just because i said 'pity' instead of 'its a shame' ; and this was when i was instant messaging!
So for me the hating from all of these expats and locals alike is unjustified.The same way our brothers from abroad get offended when we, who are supposed to be their brothers and sisters at home, call them 'obroni' or when you call someone a 'villager' (derog) because he cant speak proper english we shouldnt label LAFArians as frauds.
There I've said my peace so until next time its Later Homies !! :-)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
'Britain's Got Talent ' UPDATE

I was pleasantly surprised by the show and a bit numbed by the concept however; winning a competition to get an audience with the Queen just didnt go down well with my anti-class alter ego . May be I would have a different view of things hadI grown up in Britain. But thats in another life :-)
As expected, the turnout was huge ( not American Idolesque mind you, smaller country:)but the hardwork of sifting and sieving through the human rubish present must have been monumental. So after the elimination round where those who couldnt manage to cross that faint line that separates weirdness and weird talent, fell by the way side or on this ocassion were 'X'ed off stage in front of millions . Feel your pain guys especially when you told your ex you were going to be famous after you win the show.
In the end I was pissed because the people I was rooting for lost (Susan and Flawless) .But truth be told I kind of had a sneaky feeling that Flawless werent going to win especially when they were up against a rival dance group with the more pleasing and less cocky name Diversity. Coincidence that the public went for a more embrassing name or they were just better dancers? Better dancers i dont know about that , but with the cute kids and flawless performance Diversity deserved to win. For once Flawless werent so flawless.They just didnt put on a performance worthy of a grand final . [ main problem : shoddy and over-elaborate choreography]
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Author Spotlight:- Ayesha Haruna-Attah
I watched this girl on Kwaku Sintim Misa's (KSM) TGIF show on Metro TV yesterday and was impressed by her achievement. She recently launched her book ( not sure of exact location) ''Harmattan Rain'' after going through a 9-month writers' workshop in Senegal hosted by none other than Ayi Kwei Armah author of ''The beautyful ones are not yet born''. (beautyful not spelt wrongly :-).
My only hope is that people wont be put off by the 400-page book before even buying it. For reason that are not yet clear to me, most African lit comes in less than 300 pages. Cost? Running out of creative steam? Going out of one's mind getting dry plots to stick? hmm
If her personality is anything to go by then her book should be a engaging read; good writers tend to do that, infuse their work with bits of their personality that is.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Video of the Day: Flawless - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009
Some spine-twisting, spine-tingling dance moves from the dance group FLAWLESS
Flawless - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009 - The most amazing home videos are here
Flawless - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009 - The most amazing home videos are here
Saturday, April 25, 2009
SelektoR: Prince - " How come you dont call me"
Prince - How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore? | ||
| ||
Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Monday, April 20, 2009
Football: Man Utd Knocked Out Of FA CUP
Ooh what a fucking disaster. Personally I didnt get to watch the match live because of work but managed to get commentary from BBC, on the patched-up radio I had nearby.
The first 120mins went by like a flash, except for the fact THAT WE WERE ROBBED OF A CLEAR PENALTY IN DAYLIGHT. So without any goals takin the game went into penalties. But then I hoped against all hope that Ben Foster, our dimunitive England team aspiring goalie, would come to our rescue. But instead it was the American goal keeper ,Tim Howard who i still think we sold at the wrong time; ends up saving two penalties so even though Tim Cahil blazed his effort over the crossbar Everton came away winners with a 4-2 scoreline.
Why oh why did Fergie field so young a squad... yes we have a lot of important matches coming up but he could have fielded the fringe players instead and not the youngsters. Surely a great manager like Fergie wasnt expecting Macheda to repeat his wonder goal scoring spree.... huff. What I didnt expect from him however was to join Arsene Wenger in blaming the pitch for not winning.
So bad judgement and cruel referreeing has stolen our chance of winning the cup because we all know that we could beat Chelsea should we have met them in the finals.
The first 120mins went by like a flash, except for the fact THAT WE WERE ROBBED OF A CLEAR PENALTY IN DAYLIGHT. So without any goals takin the game went into penalties. But then I hoped against all hope that Ben Foster, our dimunitive England team aspiring goalie, would come to our rescue. But instead it was the American goal keeper ,Tim Howard who i still think we sold at the wrong time; ends up saving two penalties so even though Tim Cahil blazed his effort over the crossbar Everton came away winners with a 4-2 scoreline.
Why oh why did Fergie field so young a squad... yes we have a lot of important matches coming up but he could have fielded the fringe players instead and not the youngsters. Surely a great manager like Fergie wasnt expecting Macheda to repeat his wonder goal scoring spree.... huff. What I didnt expect from him however was to join Arsene Wenger in blaming the pitch for not winning.
So bad judgement and cruel referreeing has stolen our chance of winning the cup because we all know that we could beat Chelsea should we have met them in the finals.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A.L Kennedy

For the past couple of weeks i have been reading with great interest and enthusiasm, the blog entries on and of the Scottish writer A.L Kennedy on the Guardian website.
For some reason I can't explain, I find that her prose writing style and just her writing in general, tends to appeal to me a great deal. May be its the gloom that just wraps around you when you read about her suffering from back pains, a secluded life and her unabashed admission of having sex once every five years. I must confess that I am not the avid reader I should be since I have very lofty ambitions of becoming a writer ( which she advices against, naturally. No writer would wish for anyone other than themselves to go through the pain writing involves; fiction writing at least) since reading and writing, for me at least go hand in hand. According to her, taking the bold and foolish decision to become a full time writer ,ie earning a living through words should only come as a last resort of sorts. It is too much of a sacrifice learning the craft and after years of trial and error, solitude and mental torture finally be confident enough to type your first sentence.
Anyway,I am yet to read any of her short stories or novels for that matter but I have a feeling that I will greatly enjoy my reading when I finally do. She isnt main stream like John Grisham and Danielle Steele so it's hard getting her books locally.
But in the mean time you can watch her talk about her latest book, ' DAY', in the video below.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Video of The Day: The Lonely Island - '' Jizz in my pants''
Another vid i found while vidigging when all of a sudden I JIZZ IN MY PANTS
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sacarsm At Its Best : ''How to write about Africa''
I have never read any piece of writing that hit home with such unashamed sarcasm that was also funny and very true about most novels, articles and writing in general, that are about Africans .In a nutshell, this is a ''Dummies Guide To: How Not To Write About Africa''.
Click HERE to read the full article
Click HERE to read the full article
Champions' League QF draw

I was really praying we wouldnt get to play a typical big team during the draw and thankfully my prayers( of sorts) were answered. When I mean 'we' I mean Manchester Utd.
Below is the full list of how the draw unfolded.
first Quarter-finals .
Arsenal - Villareal
Second Quarter-finals
Manchester United - Fc Porto
[ Winner of this tie meets winner of first Quarter-finals]
Third Quarter-finals
Liverpool - Chelsea , again!
Fourth Quarter-finals
Fc Barcelona - Bayern Munchen
Man U's tie is going to be tricky; on the surface it looks like we got an easy pairing but with the likes of their influencial Argentine captain Lucho Gonzalez and the one they call ' The Hulk' it might just prove to be a very slippery away tie for us if we fail to win at home convincingly. Tomorrow's game against Fulham is going to be very important in terms of building our self-confidence after being pumelled to death by our sworn enemies Liverpool at home. GO REDS !
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Video Of The Day : '' Watchmen '' - trailer
Here comes another on screen comic book adaptation but this time from the studios of Paramount , Warner Bros, Legendary pictures and DC Comics.
It is for this reason alone that I will make it a point to see this flick. From the gossip circulating the WWW it sounds like its going to be one hell of a movie; that is if you are into adaptations of comic books into movies.Or if you are into comic books at all. Or if you don't mind some big-shot Hollywood director murdering your favourite super hero characters on the big screen. Last year, the phenomenally successful Dark knight set a very high bench mark and this undoubtedly means the viewing audience is going to settle for nothing less than that. That would take some doing though(Watchmen out grossing the Dark Knight). But Some say they are two different movies and shouldn't be put into the same category. Its still about a bunch of super heroes and heroins dressed up in psychedelically-coloured, suffocating spandex costumes.
Director Zach Snyder who brought us 300 with the backing of Legendary pictures is in charge of this one as well. I loved 300 especially the part where one of the elders of the council was consulting the 'Oracle'. Since when did Oracles become this hot. She been giving dude a huge boner every time I watch it, even after watching the movie over four times. Anyway back to movie at hand. Watching the trailer, you notice that Zach again employed a couple of the techniques he uses in 300. The special effects am is outstanding no two ways about it... but the main thing movie aficionados are worried about is the ending. Too many movies have thrived on the popularity of brilliantly edited trailers only to be 90 minutes cinematic flops.
Hope for Mr. Snyder's sake this movie goes down well with audiences ( call it artistic solidarity or just old fashion well wishing.)
It is for this reason alone that I will make it a point to see this flick. From the gossip circulating the WWW it sounds like its going to be one hell of a movie; that is if you are into adaptations of comic books into movies.Or if you are into comic books at all. Or if you don't mind some big-shot Hollywood director murdering your favourite super hero characters on the big screen. Last year, the phenomenally successful Dark knight set a very high bench mark and this undoubtedly means the viewing audience is going to settle for nothing less than that. That would take some doing though(Watchmen out grossing the Dark Knight). But Some say they are two different movies and shouldn't be put into the same category. Its still about a bunch of super heroes and heroins dressed up in psychedelically-coloured, suffocating spandex costumes.
Director Zach Snyder who brought us 300 with the backing of Legendary pictures is in charge of this one as well. I loved 300 especially the part where one of the elders of the council was consulting the 'Oracle'. Since when did Oracles become this hot. She been giving dude a huge boner every time I watch it, even after watching the movie over four times. Anyway back to movie at hand. Watching the trailer, you notice that Zach again employed a couple of the techniques he uses in 300. The special effects am is outstanding no two ways about it... but the main thing movie aficionados are worried about is the ending. Too many movies have thrived on the popularity of brilliantly edited trailers only to be 90 minutes cinematic flops.
Hope for Mr. Snyder's sake this movie goes down well with audiences ( call it artistic solidarity or just old fashion well wishing.)
Man Leggings? Ouch

I cringed when I first read the headline stating the horrifying fate for the male genitalia, in a sense .
I know there is a certain androgynous quality to our MTV generation. More unisex everything, unisex clothes, unisex shades unisex condoms [ sort of :-) ]. The macho most men is being replaced and eviscerated by the feminine. We all know that most male designers are either gay or bisexual but tend to have a higher affinity towards the other sex more than they have for their own balls. For those of us whose very reason for living lies in between our thighs wearing nut vices isn't our idea of a good night out. There is no way on God's fucking planet i or any guy in his right senses would be caught dead wearing one of these,errr meggings( Credit Jonathan Heaf of the with this one ).This style is waaayyy too rock and roll for me; I bet even some rockers will find these sort of pants too left field for their taste. They'll prefer to stick to their groupies and do lines from here to the moon before wearing one of these. For me , I'll just stick to the music... My liberal tendencies don't stretch that far, sorry.( pun intended ).
Read the full story below here
Before I get some hate mail, let me make this clear, this isnt a queer bashing blog so chill.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
First Studio Experience
I had an absolute blast yesterday deep within the bellies of the pyramid house on the Osu re road and deeper still into the studios of VIBE fm.
It was a super cool experience for me although for some reason, on the spur of the moment, i chose to remain anonymous, should i have gone on air. Meeting Que? for the first time was very interesting indeed. This guy is a walking music reference book on any and everything music. My mind was doing laps just trying to keep up with this man. Absolute genius; you think you know your shit until you meet someone who makes you feel as though you're now beginning your music education.
-- Que? if you are reading this how the hell do you keep up with this stuff; the people you know the books, the writing, djing and to add to all the above juggling a day job as well?. --
The evening proved to be a very pleasing one and less tense than i had anticipated. We talked about everything. Music, music celebs , places he's djed at. Another discovery, Que? happens to be a big Prince fan and not so much Michael Jackson; not surprising. Am yet to meet someone who is a fan of both superstars. Mostly the geeks for the Prince ( aka the man who once named himself after a sign) and the popsters lean towards wacko jacko.Alas, i didn't get to play the tracks i took along, due to some smaalll technical hitches.Am back in two weeks time to the show and hopefully by then i can make the playlist available to the show.
I had a great time and it was an honour and a great pleasure to meet you Que?
It was a super cool experience for me although for some reason, on the spur of the moment, i chose to remain anonymous, should i have gone on air. Meeting Que? for the first time was very interesting indeed. This guy is a walking music reference book on any and everything music. My mind was doing laps just trying to keep up with this man. Absolute genius; you think you know your shit until you meet someone who makes you feel as though you're now beginning your music education.
-- Que? if you are reading this how the hell do you keep up with this stuff; the people you know the books, the writing, djing and to add to all the above juggling a day job as well?. --
The evening proved to be a very pleasing one and less tense than i had anticipated. We talked about everything. Music, music celebs , places he's djed at. Another discovery, Que? happens to be a big Prince fan and not so much Michael Jackson; not surprising. Am yet to meet someone who is a fan of both superstars. Mostly the geeks for the Prince ( aka the man who once named himself after a sign) and the popsters lean towards wacko jacko.Alas, i didn't get to play the tracks i took along, due to some smaalll technical hitches.Am back in two weeks time to the show and hopefully by then i can make the playlist available to the show.
I had a great time and it was an honour and a great pleasure to meet you Que?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Learning Deutch

As of today I have enrolled in a German language study course at
This is a well-designed and thought out site with a very intuitive feel to it .If your wish is to learn a new language and meet friends, and share language learning tips amongst others,then this is the place. This is my first day over there and am already waxing lyrical about the site.
Its Italian and Spanish languages next after I complete this course. So until then its your junge (boy) saying :'Ich bin ein reich alt mann '; which literally means ' I am a rich old man' :-) [ my vocabs are a bit limited at the moment] . Learning a new language is proving to be more exciting than i thought .
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dealing With Panic Attacks
I have been a long time sufferer of panic attacks without even for one second knowing it. I now know the reasons behind all the heart palpitations, hyperventillation and an incessant sense of impending doom.This condition has landed me into Korle-bu general hospital twice but still hasnt stopped. I recently read this article talking the possible causes and remedies for the condition which i have found very, very helpful indeed. All i have to do now is to follow the recomended steps to be taken when you-know-who strikes again.
My reason for talking about it, is two fold. One being for cathartic purposes and second i suspect a lot of people suffer from panic attacks and dont even know it and would probably blame it on one old cannibal witch back in the village.
The article below i feel talks extensively about the above issue[ fear of the name only hightens fear of the real thing so i'll say PANIC ATTACKS]. Leave a comment and share your experiences; us fierros got to stick together :-)
Anxiety and panic attacks
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is an emotion you feel when under threat as your Sympathetic Nervous System kicks in to prepare for danger. Physically, adrenaline begins pouring through your system, your digestion shuts down, your heart beats faster, your liver releases stored sugar into your bloodstream, you sweat and your pupils dilate.
Anxiety is a vicious circle of thoughts, sensations and behaviours. The origins of an anxious mood lie in your thoughts, some of which you may not even be aware of! These thoughts lead to reactions in the body, causing physical sensations and affecting your behaviour. An anxious person tends to think more distressed thoughts, maintaining a vicious circle.
Common symptoms of anxiety include:
Lack of self-confidence
Inability to relax
Constant feeling of dread
Irritable and irrational behaviour
Loss of concentration
Fear of criticism
Fear of being alone
Fear of being with other people
Loss of sexual interest
Challenging anxious thoughtsThe symptoms of anxiety are unpleasant, but they’ll eventually disappear. You can, however, accelerate this process by recognising and challenging common patterns of anxious thinking. Some of these are:
All or nothing attitudeYou think you’re either brilliant at something or terrible at it. If you make a small mistake, you feel you’re a total failure!
Making rash generalisationsYou didn’t get on with people at a party once, so you tell yourself "I never get on with people at parties".
Ignoring the positiveDismissing your successes or good qualities, or not even noticing them to begin with.
Mind-readingThinking you know what others are or will be thinking about you.
Always worrying about the worst-case scenarioIf you have chest pains you worry that you’re having a heart attack or if you've got a headache you worry that you’ve got a brain tumour.
How to challenge these thoughts
Check if they fall into one of the above patterns.
Ask yourself what evidence there is and if there is any to contradict this.
Ask yourself what are the realistic chances of the things you dread happening?
Reassure yourself that you can cope. Never underestimate your determination, resilience and ability to learn new skills.
Try to find a positive thought to replace each anxious one!
Calming your physical sensationsEssentially you’re trying to stop anxiety symptoms escalating by reinforcing your bodies calming mechanisms. Breathing and relaxation are two simple and effective methods, which become even more effective when done together.Whether you are in an anxious mood, you are likely to be breathing too quickly. This upsets the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood, leading to unpleasant symptoms of anxiety and panic.Slow down your breathing and aim to breathe 10-12 times per minute. Pause between breaths and time yourself. You’ll naturally breathe slower through your nose rather than your mouth. Try to exhale for as long as you inhale.Anxious breathing tends to push out the chest only. Instead breathe from your diaphragm, steadily taking air right down into the bottom of your lungs and pushing your stomach out.
Breathing exercises
Put one hand on your chest and the other between your breastbone and belly-button.
Take 10-15 slow deep breaths and try to get your stomach moving in and out whilst keeping your chest still (this takes practice!)
Once you can do this, you can do ‘3-6-9’ breaths. Imagine each your lungs as three-floored buildings that are going to fill with air.
Breathe in to 3 filling the top floor, into 6 filling the middle and to 9 filling the ground floor.
Now breathe out, imagining you are emptying first the top floor (9,8,7) then the middle floor (6,5,4) and finally the ground floor (3,2,1).
Repeat this 5 times.
Sit or lie down. Relax all parts of your body as much as possible.
Take 10 steady breaths, count upwards and say “relax” or “calming down” to yourself each time you breathe out. When you get to 10, count back down and
Relaxation exercises
Twenty minutes to half an hour of progressive muscular relaxation every day is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress. It is body based and uses your breathing, so it can really absorb your attention (giving your mind a rest).
Sit or lie down somewhere warm and comfortable (where you will not be disturbed).
Let your breathing settle into a slow rhythm. Be aware of your tummy rising and falling, but don’t make an effort to breathe deeply (when you’re relaxed you naturally take shallow breaths).
Tense and relax parts of your body in tune with your breathing. Breathe in and tense muscles and relax them when you exhale. Practice this using a clenched fist to start with. Keep your breathing regular and try not to hold your breath!
Apply this to the rest of your body, starting with feet and calf muscles, moving to general leg muscles (throughout the legs), onto buttocks and groin, stomach, shoulders (hunch up to your ears), arms, hands and face. Repeat each tense-and-relax at least twice.
Spot-check your body for parts that are not relaxed and do them again. In particular check your stomach, neck, shoulders, and face.
When you’re feeling completely floppy and heavy, keep your breathing steady. Enjoy feeling at peace and completely relaxed.
Practise improves your ability to relax.
Don’t worry about overlap between different body parts. It’s impossible to
clench your buttocks without your thighs, for example.
It may help to say things while breathing out, like “relax” or “exhale”.
When you relax your face, check your forehead, jaw, eyelids, lips and tongue for tension.
Soft calming background music helps your brain get the message.
Do these exercises a few times each day, until your breathing patterns change.
Then put the breathing and relaxation exercises together. Your thoughts will distract you at first, but persevere and your concentration will improve. If you do this twice per day, you should notice an overall reduction in anxiety levels within a week or two.Challenging your behaviourHere is a list of behaviours linked to anxiety
Drinking alcohol
Lack of exercise
Smoking cigarettes
Driving aggressively
Avoiding people or situations
Spending too much money
Drinking too much caffeine
Working long hours
Bottling up feelings
Taking drugs
Irregular eating patterns
Biting your nails
Do you recognise yourself in this list? Lots of people do these things every day! If this applies to you, take some constructive steps, starting with things you already believe you can succeed at.Anxious people can be destressed by:A healthier lifestyle
Eat regular meals, including breakfast (even if it’s only a banana), to keep blood sugar levels steady.Avoid junk food and sugary or fatty snacks.
Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
Reduce or stop smoking (it feels calming but physically it causes your body stress).
Maintain a balance of work, rest and play.
Try to keep regular sleeping hours.
Build 20-30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine, even if it’s just walking around the block.
Time and Resource Management
Plan ahead and prioritise by allocating time for both work and recreation.
Don’t procrastinate and then leave yourself in a mad rush to meet a deadline. - Be realistic about time and try to finish one thing before moving on.
Live according to your means because big debts are anxiety-provoking (credit cards particularly). If you are in money trouble, acknowledge it and seek advice from our Student Financial Support Service.
Emotional Support and Release
Don’t bottle up your feelings.
Pent-up emotions feed anxiety.
Talk to friends, family, a counsellor or someone else you trust.
Try to let yourself cry if you want to.
If you’re angry but there’s no one to vent to, find a non-harmful way to relieve the stress.
Some people shut themselves in their car for a good scream. Others lift weights, beat up their bed or smash eggs in the bath!
Facing up to difficult situations
If your anxiety is tied to particular situations (such as giving presentations), the only way you can learn to deal with these is to face them. If you avoid them because you’re anxious, you’ll feel even worse about it next time.
Build up to the situation by imagining it. If you notice yourself feeling anxious, pause and do some breathing exercises and physical relaxation. Unfold the scenario and imagine yourself coping with the fear and getting through successfully. If necessary you can do these in public without people noticing.Dealing with panic attacks
Physical symptoms of a panic attack include:
Palpitations/racing heart
Weak knees
Chest or stomach pains
Pins and needles
Muscle pains
Feeling of unreality
Weak bladder
Visual disturbances
Dry mouth and throat
Panic attacks are extremely unpleasant but not dangerous. The best tactic is to try to head it off when you feel yourself starting to panic.
You can do this by:
Diverting your attention (talk to someone, count backwards from 50, take in every tiny detail of your fingernails or do the crossword etc).
Thinking positive, reassuring thoughts such as "I am stronger than my anxiety".
Taking a few long, slow breaths while consciously relaxing your whole body.
Doing something you find comforting (phone a friend or play a computer game).
Talking directly to the panic, “Forget it, you’re not winning, now go away”.
Breathing slowly through your nose and making sure you exhale for as long as you inhale.
Cupping your hands over your nose and mouth if you’re feeling light-headed (this will make you breathe in more carbon dioxide, which helps).
Observing the symptoms you’re experiencing and explaining them to yourself as the body’s anxiety reactions (e.g. “I’m dizzy because panic leads to constriction of the arteries to my brain”).
Thinking positive, coping thoughts such as “I know I can deal with this panic,” or “I’m going to relax my body and get through this”.
This factsheet was prepared by the Counselling Service in 2004
My reason for talking about it, is two fold. One being for cathartic purposes and second i suspect a lot of people suffer from panic attacks and dont even know it and would probably blame it on one old cannibal witch back in the village.
The article below i feel talks extensively about the above issue[ fear of the name only hightens fear of the real thing so i'll say PANIC ATTACKS]. Leave a comment and share your experiences; us fierros got to stick together :-)
Anxiety and panic attacks
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is an emotion you feel when under threat as your Sympathetic Nervous System kicks in to prepare for danger. Physically, adrenaline begins pouring through your system, your digestion shuts down, your heart beats faster, your liver releases stored sugar into your bloodstream, you sweat and your pupils dilate.
Anxiety is a vicious circle of thoughts, sensations and behaviours. The origins of an anxious mood lie in your thoughts, some of which you may not even be aware of! These thoughts lead to reactions in the body, causing physical sensations and affecting your behaviour. An anxious person tends to think more distressed thoughts, maintaining a vicious circle.
Common symptoms of anxiety include:
Lack of self-confidence
Inability to relax
Constant feeling of dread
Irritable and irrational behaviour
Loss of concentration
Fear of criticism
Fear of being alone
Fear of being with other people
Loss of sexual interest
Challenging anxious thoughtsThe symptoms of anxiety are unpleasant, but they’ll eventually disappear. You can, however, accelerate this process by recognising and challenging common patterns of anxious thinking. Some of these are:
All or nothing attitudeYou think you’re either brilliant at something or terrible at it. If you make a small mistake, you feel you’re a total failure!
Making rash generalisationsYou didn’t get on with people at a party once, so you tell yourself "I never get on with people at parties".
Ignoring the positiveDismissing your successes or good qualities, or not even noticing them to begin with.
Mind-readingThinking you know what others are or will be thinking about you.
Always worrying about the worst-case scenarioIf you have chest pains you worry that you’re having a heart attack or if you've got a headache you worry that you’ve got a brain tumour.
How to challenge these thoughts
Check if they fall into one of the above patterns.
Ask yourself what evidence there is and if there is any to contradict this.
Ask yourself what are the realistic chances of the things you dread happening?
Reassure yourself that you can cope. Never underestimate your determination, resilience and ability to learn new skills.
Try to find a positive thought to replace each anxious one!
Calming your physical sensationsEssentially you’re trying to stop anxiety symptoms escalating by reinforcing your bodies calming mechanisms. Breathing and relaxation are two simple and effective methods, which become even more effective when done together.Whether you are in an anxious mood, you are likely to be breathing too quickly. This upsets the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood, leading to unpleasant symptoms of anxiety and panic.Slow down your breathing and aim to breathe 10-12 times per minute. Pause between breaths and time yourself. You’ll naturally breathe slower through your nose rather than your mouth. Try to exhale for as long as you inhale.Anxious breathing tends to push out the chest only. Instead breathe from your diaphragm, steadily taking air right down into the bottom of your lungs and pushing your stomach out.
Breathing exercises
Put one hand on your chest and the other between your breastbone and belly-button.
Take 10-15 slow deep breaths and try to get your stomach moving in and out whilst keeping your chest still (this takes practice!)
Once you can do this, you can do ‘3-6-9’ breaths. Imagine each your lungs as three-floored buildings that are going to fill with air.
Breathe in to 3 filling the top floor, into 6 filling the middle and to 9 filling the ground floor.
Now breathe out, imagining you are emptying first the top floor (9,8,7) then the middle floor (6,5,4) and finally the ground floor (3,2,1).
Repeat this 5 times.
Sit or lie down. Relax all parts of your body as much as possible.
Take 10 steady breaths, count upwards and say “relax” or “calming down” to yourself each time you breathe out. When you get to 10, count back down and
Relaxation exercises
Twenty minutes to half an hour of progressive muscular relaxation every day is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress. It is body based and uses your breathing, so it can really absorb your attention (giving your mind a rest).
Sit or lie down somewhere warm and comfortable (where you will not be disturbed).
Let your breathing settle into a slow rhythm. Be aware of your tummy rising and falling, but don’t make an effort to breathe deeply (when you’re relaxed you naturally take shallow breaths).
Tense and relax parts of your body in tune with your breathing. Breathe in and tense muscles and relax them when you exhale. Practice this using a clenched fist to start with. Keep your breathing regular and try not to hold your breath!
Apply this to the rest of your body, starting with feet and calf muscles, moving to general leg muscles (throughout the legs), onto buttocks and groin, stomach, shoulders (hunch up to your ears), arms, hands and face. Repeat each tense-and-relax at least twice.
Spot-check your body for parts that are not relaxed and do them again. In particular check your stomach, neck, shoulders, and face.
When you’re feeling completely floppy and heavy, keep your breathing steady. Enjoy feeling at peace and completely relaxed.
Practise improves your ability to relax.
Don’t worry about overlap between different body parts. It’s impossible to
clench your buttocks without your thighs, for example.
It may help to say things while breathing out, like “relax” or “exhale”.
When you relax your face, check your forehead, jaw, eyelids, lips and tongue for tension.
Soft calming background music helps your brain get the message.
Do these exercises a few times each day, until your breathing patterns change.
Then put the breathing and relaxation exercises together. Your thoughts will distract you at first, but persevere and your concentration will improve. If you do this twice per day, you should notice an overall reduction in anxiety levels within a week or two.Challenging your behaviourHere is a list of behaviours linked to anxiety
Drinking alcohol
Lack of exercise
Smoking cigarettes
Driving aggressively
Avoiding people or situations
Spending too much money
Drinking too much caffeine
Working long hours
Bottling up feelings
Taking drugs
Irregular eating patterns
Biting your nails
Do you recognise yourself in this list? Lots of people do these things every day! If this applies to you, take some constructive steps, starting with things you already believe you can succeed at.Anxious people can be destressed by:A healthier lifestyle
Eat regular meals, including breakfast (even if it’s only a banana), to keep blood sugar levels steady.Avoid junk food and sugary or fatty snacks.
Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
Reduce or stop smoking (it feels calming but physically it causes your body stress).
Maintain a balance of work, rest and play.
Try to keep regular sleeping hours.
Build 20-30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine, even if it’s just walking around the block.
Time and Resource Management
Plan ahead and prioritise by allocating time for both work and recreation.
Don’t procrastinate and then leave yourself in a mad rush to meet a deadline. - Be realistic about time and try to finish one thing before moving on.
Live according to your means because big debts are anxiety-provoking (credit cards particularly). If you are in money trouble, acknowledge it and seek advice from our Student Financial Support Service.
Emotional Support and Release
Don’t bottle up your feelings.
Pent-up emotions feed anxiety.
Talk to friends, family, a counsellor or someone else you trust.
Try to let yourself cry if you want to.
If you’re angry but there’s no one to vent to, find a non-harmful way to relieve the stress.
Some people shut themselves in their car for a good scream. Others lift weights, beat up their bed or smash eggs in the bath!
Facing up to difficult situations
If your anxiety is tied to particular situations (such as giving presentations), the only way you can learn to deal with these is to face them. If you avoid them because you’re anxious, you’ll feel even worse about it next time.
Build up to the situation by imagining it. If you notice yourself feeling anxious, pause and do some breathing exercises and physical relaxation. Unfold the scenario and imagine yourself coping with the fear and getting through successfully. If necessary you can do these in public without people noticing.Dealing with panic attacks
Physical symptoms of a panic attack include:
Palpitations/racing heart
Weak knees
Chest or stomach pains
Pins and needles
Muscle pains
Feeling of unreality
Weak bladder
Visual disturbances
Dry mouth and throat
Panic attacks are extremely unpleasant but not dangerous. The best tactic is to try to head it off when you feel yourself starting to panic.
You can do this by:
Diverting your attention (talk to someone, count backwards from 50, take in every tiny detail of your fingernails or do the crossword etc).
Thinking positive, reassuring thoughts such as "I am stronger than my anxiety".
Taking a few long, slow breaths while consciously relaxing your whole body.
Doing something you find comforting (phone a friend or play a computer game).
Talking directly to the panic, “Forget it, you’re not winning, now go away”.
Breathing slowly through your nose and making sure you exhale for as long as you inhale.
Cupping your hands over your nose and mouth if you’re feeling light-headed (this will make you breathe in more carbon dioxide, which helps).
Observing the symptoms you’re experiencing and explaining them to yourself as the body’s anxiety reactions (e.g. “I’m dizzy because panic leads to constriction of the arteries to my brain”).
Thinking positive, coping thoughts such as “I know I can deal with this panic,” or “I’m going to relax my body and get through this”.
This factsheet was prepared by the Counselling Service in 2004
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Video of The Day
One of the funniest songs and vids i have ever seen;a bit crude not for the faint at heart but funny nonetheless. .. :-)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Top 10 favourite Vids of All Time, Seriously :)
Here are a my favourite vids ,on youtube mostly [ they are the biggy of all video hostes]. Its in no particular order. Meaning the last on the list isnt my least fav but the first on the list though might just be my favourite :). I limited it to music vids this time around, next will be my mixed favourite vids that will include everything from the odd performance from a street dancer to some hit video from a superstar rapper or something.Anyway that will be for later so for now, just enjoy !.
1] > outkast_ghettomusick
2] >warrior king - can't get me down
3] >Simphiwe Dana - ndiredi
4] >N*E*R*D - may be
5] >Tricky and PJ Harvey - broken homes
6] >Tabi Bonney - beat rock (Cool Kids Forever Films)
7] > Siphokazi - amacala
8] >ZAMAJOBE - magic
9] > Justice vs. Simian - we are your friends
10] > Royksopp - 49 percent
Because of Youtube censorship i couldn't include some of my real favs : snoop dogg's sexual seduction being one of them :)
1] > outkast_ghettomusick
2] >warrior king - can't get me down
3] >Simphiwe Dana - ndiredi
4] >N*E*R*D - may be
5] >Tricky and PJ Harvey - broken homes
6] >Tabi Bonney - beat rock (Cool Kids Forever Films)
7] > Siphokazi - amacala
8] >ZAMAJOBE - magic
9] > Justice vs. Simian - we are your friends
10] > Royksopp - 49 percent
Because of Youtube censorship i couldn't include some of my real favs : snoop dogg's sexual seduction being one of them :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Am Heaaaledddd : Blood Tonics , Not Hype
For the past few days walking three feet has been like a vertical hike up Big Everest himself.
Ohhhhhh feels good to be back. Am not mentioning the name of the specific blood tonic [ no cash to show for it] but their shit is the bomb.
So to my readers and fellow bloggers, your faecal material consuming, blogger is heaaaaleedddd and that, is not hype ;)
Ohhhhhh feels good to be back. Am not mentioning the name of the specific blood tonic [ no cash to show for it] but their shit is the bomb.
So to my readers and fellow bloggers, your faecal material consuming, blogger is heaaaaleedddd and that, is not hype ;)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Demonstrations : Presidential Retirement Package

These demonstrations are long overdue and should have started when the pay package was in draft, even before being approved by government.
Read the full story below
Monday, February 2, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Davos 2009 : The Issue of Ethics
This is a video about a couple people who clearly have an issue with C.E.Os not having some type of ethics code by which they ran their companies.
Quote : Doctors have the Hippocratic oath, lawyers have to pass the bar so why not C.E.Os
My personal thought
Personally i think the whole fuss about ethics is rather legitimate. Human beings were created( if you believe in creationism) or evolved( from a big bang) with something that other animals on the planet don't have and is very underrated, but very effective and it is, COMMON SENSE. We know what is right or wrong but we, 9 out of 10 times do the latter hoping that our acts will go unnoticed. The funny thing is though with the whole ENRON debacle and subsequent arrests of top level managers you would think that that would be enough a deterrant for other green-back junkies of C.E.Os that manage our economies. Scary thing is they are still out there but will be meeting the same fate their predecessors met as a result of their greed, plane and simple. Money stinks and the longer a large pile stays with you on your 10milllion dollar yatch or 50million bucks estate on the French Riviera the faster the whole room will be pointing their fingers in your direction when the teacher asks who farted . Top level managers DO have an ethics code but its the one we ordinary people have; AKA don't kill people, don't steal and stuff like and I think its more than enough for anyone on the planet be it a C.E.O or the beggar on the street corner wearing your missing lucky baseball cap. Just a thought
Quote : Doctors have the Hippocratic oath, lawyers have to pass the bar so why not C.E.Os
My personal thought
Personally i think the whole fuss about ethics is rather legitimate. Human beings were created( if you believe in creationism) or evolved( from a big bang) with something that other animals on the planet don't have and is very underrated, but very effective and it is, COMMON SENSE. We know what is right or wrong but we, 9 out of 10 times do the latter hoping that our acts will go unnoticed. The funny thing is though with the whole ENRON debacle and subsequent arrests of top level managers you would think that that would be enough a deterrant for other green-back junkies of C.E.Os that manage our economies. Scary thing is they are still out there but will be meeting the same fate their predecessors met as a result of their greed, plane and simple. Money stinks and the longer a large pile stays with you on your 10milllion dollar yatch or 50million bucks estate on the French Riviera the faster the whole room will be pointing their fingers in your direction when the teacher asks who farted . Top level managers DO have an ethics code but its the one we ordinary people have; AKA don't kill people, don't steal and stuff like and I think its more than enough for anyone on the planet be it a C.E.O or the beggar on the street corner wearing your missing lucky baseball cap. Just a thought
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My Trip To Japan

I took a trip to Japan on Flickr and these are the pics i brought back with me :). Some of them are just breathtaking. There are a couple of things i wish i could do before hitting the grave; one of them happens to be visiting Japan. Emphasis on 'visiting'. I'm one of those people who thinks a city loses it charm and energy when you decide to stay too long ( more than 6months). You start to notice the foul stench of the drainage and sewage system, the people start looking like characters out of some bad 70s Chinese flick.
Another thing on my to do list before becoming worm food is to go skiing [I've always said that there was some white kid inside me somewhere screaming to bust out of my black overalls; proud of my African heritage nonetheless ;)]. The Swiss alps would be a nice place to start then somewhere in the north of Germany... Anyway enjoy the pics from my fake trip to Japan.

And you know you haven't seen Japan until you've seen Mt. Fuji, so here it is in all of its grandeur and splendour

Source of pics : Flickr
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Copyright dogs have bitten
One of my videos has been taken down from youtube. They claim the video was in violation of a couple of copyright laws and that i didnt have the right documentation or permission from the owner ( Six pence none the richer ) so they took it down. The remaining two are still there; i wonder how long it will take for them to be pulled down as well. This is a sad day for me indeed... Youtube could have cut me some slack; there thousands of videos like mine out there and they havent been pulled down....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sundance 2009 : My 2 cents
Ahh Park City, Utah is alive again with the 'indie' spirit; from seasoned filmmakers to new comers hoping to get their first time films snatched up by some big shots who have seen ' The Blair Witch project' and 'Little Miss Sunshine' and hope their movie goes on the garner similar success.
There are a couple of films that I found worth talking about in this year's competition ( err I am basing my degree of likingness according to their trailers; how the real thing will be i have no idea since the films are not out yet on wide release; both theatrical release and on DVD ) and cant wait to limewire them ...Just kidding :)
Definitely my FAVOURITE PICK just because of how rib-cracklingly hilarious the trailer is BLACK DYNAMITE[ Rated- R] .I think this movie is going to be a hit with the right marketing. Shot in the 70s superhero cop style, you follow the adventures and sexcapades of the fouled-mouth, 12 inches packing, kungfu red belt martial artistist aptly named BLACK DYNAMITE as he takes on the crooks and dope dealers in his city [ whiles getting some man-on-fineasschick-action]
I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS. This is another comedy starring Jim Carrey. He plays a guy who after a car crash realised he is, gay, gay, gay ... as he himself puts it :). Its not a classic but am interested in seeing how a story about a gay jailbird does at the box office.On all accounts it has some big shoes to fill after the huge success of ' Broke Back Mountain', although they are two very different films; genrewise at least.
[side note: will watch any movie starring Jim Carrey]
'The Cove' is a documentary about the Japanese fishing industry and uncovers some shocking stuff about what they do to their dolphins and whales in one Japanese city. You follow the filmmakers in the quest to uncover the truth, illegally, after being denied access to make the film legally. It looks like a really good piece of documentary making; cant wait to see it.
.....Some sights and sounds of Day 1 of the Festival......
There are a couple of films that I found worth talking about in this year's competition ( err I am basing my degree of likingness according to their trailers; how the real thing will be i have no idea since the films are not out yet on wide release; both theatrical release and on DVD ) and cant wait to limewire them ...Just kidding :)
Definitely my FAVOURITE PICK just because of how rib-cracklingly hilarious the trailer is BLACK DYNAMITE[ Rated- R] .I think this movie is going to be a hit with the right marketing. Shot in the 70s superhero cop style, you follow the adventures and sexcapades of the fouled-mouth, 12 inches packing, kungfu red belt martial artistist aptly named BLACK DYNAMITE as he takes on the crooks and dope dealers in his city [ whiles getting some man-on-fineasschick-action]
I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS. This is another comedy starring Jim Carrey. He plays a guy who after a car crash realised he is, gay, gay, gay ... as he himself puts it :). Its not a classic but am interested in seeing how a story about a gay jailbird does at the box office.On all accounts it has some big shoes to fill after the huge success of ' Broke Back Mountain', although they are two very different films; genrewise at least.
[side note: will watch any movie starring Jim Carrey]
'The Cove' is a documentary about the Japanese fishing industry and uncovers some shocking stuff about what they do to their dolphins and whales in one Japanese city. You follow the filmmakers in the quest to uncover the truth, illegally, after being denied access to make the film legally. It looks like a really good piece of documentary making; cant wait to see it.
.....Some sights and sounds of Day 1 of the Festival......
Thursday, January 15, 2009
TV Series Spolight : Catterick
Reeves and Mortimer for me are the best comic duo in the UK.
I first saw ' Catterick- DVD' in local branch of the British Council in Accra. I went back for the DVD four to five times, and watched close to 30+ times( back in the day when i had no life :). There is just this 'Brit', raw, edgy feel to it that you cant get anywhere else in the anglophone community. The humour is sometimes hard to get but when you do your ribs will start to hurt. I watched it on DVD with the added benefit of subtitles( some of the accents are a bit hard on the ears... lol)
Well out of curiousity i decided to search youtube for the third time to see whether the full season 1 had been uploaded. And to my great relief it now has, by vaughnography.
Get some popcorn, send the kids to bed and enjoy the ride...with seat belts of course :)
Episode 1 - PART 1
Episode 1 - PART 2
Episode 1 - PART 3
Episode 2 - PART 1
Episode 2 - PART 2
Episode 2 - PART 3
Episode 3 - PART 1
Episode 3 - PART 2
Episode 3 - PART 3
Episode 4 - PART 1
Episode 4 - PART 2
Episode 4 - PART 3
Episode 5 - PART 1
Episode 5 - PART 2
Episode 5 - PART 3
Episode 6 - PART 1
Episode 6 - PART 2
Episode 6 - PART 3 [final part]
my fav character is DI Fowler... whats yours? :) leave a comment
I first saw ' Catterick- DVD' in local branch of the British Council in Accra. I went back for the DVD four to five times, and watched close to 30+ times( back in the day when i had no life :). There is just this 'Brit', raw, edgy feel to it that you cant get anywhere else in the anglophone community. The humour is sometimes hard to get but when you do your ribs will start to hurt. I watched it on DVD with the added benefit of subtitles( some of the accents are a bit hard on the ears... lol)
Well out of curiousity i decided to search youtube for the third time to see whether the full season 1 had been uploaded. And to my great relief it now has, by vaughnography.
Get some popcorn, send the kids to bed and enjoy the ride...with seat belts of course :)
Episode 1 - PART 1
Episode 1 - PART 2
Episode 1 - PART 3
Episode 2 - PART 1
Episode 2 - PART 2
Episode 2 - PART 3
Episode 3 - PART 1
Episode 3 - PART 2
Episode 3 - PART 3
Episode 4 - PART 1
Episode 4 - PART 2
Episode 4 - PART 3
Episode 5 - PART 1
Episode 5 - PART 2
Episode 5 - PART 3
Episode 6 - PART 1
Episode 6 - PART 2
Episode 6 - PART 3 [final part]
my fav character is DI Fowler... whats yours? :) leave a comment
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
War On Gaza

I, as am sure most of you also, have been watching with utter disgust at how the Israeli military is literally bullying the Palestinians in Gaza.
The you-launch-one-rocket-we-bomb-your-asses approach seems to be working to deadly effect. Even Palestinians seeking refuge in UN protected schools haven't been spared the bombs.

Israel keeps on repeating the same line of Hamas using its citizens as human shield in this war but come on people who believes that crap?
If thats really the case ( and am not assuming to be a military intelligence and tactics expert here but its just common sense) then why not use gound troops and tanks instead of using laser-guided bombs to kill innocent civilians. This kind of reminds me of 'Brave Heart the movie'; Remember the scene when King Edward I, Longshanks, gave an order for his archery squad to fire into the battle field of Scots and his own men?...Quoting one of his generals, ' But sir you will kill our men ' ( not verbatim ) and answer was ,' But you will kill some of theirs as well'...

I have not been known to take sides when it comes to matters of war and conflict, but when the war is so disproportionate then i have the divine right to be biased...
Some 4000 Palestinians are wounded and about 900 dead as compared to 3 or 30 Israelis ( Figures not completely accurate, quoting from memory; subject to errors; but am not too way off).
JUST END THIS FUCKING WAR... and go back to protest marches.
Side note: The collateral damage of this war is spilling into other countries Egypt being one of them. Towns along the border with Gaza have been feeling the full effect of the shock and the noise of the bombs in nearby Gaza; there is a reported increase in kids wetting their beds and themselves l. (Aljazeera)
Cant we all just get along?
What ever side you the reader is on i hope its on the side of peace.
Here are some sights and sounds of the war.
Source for Pictures
Source for Vids
My first comment ... yeaah
I have recently lost a bit of interest in blogging ... too much work (working two jobs 16hrs daily for the past two months is starting to take its toll, but am hanging in there; wherever that is ) too little play. Along comes my first comment from a lady called Alena ( am guessing here, about the gender ; correct me if am wrong :) and this has given me some new impetus to barrel on... Thanks whoever you are, you might just have saved this fledgling blog. How do i get in contact with you though...
ps: Invite some friends to subscribe to the blog too ;)
ps: Invite some friends to subscribe to the blog too ;)
Monday, January 5, 2009
Weird and Interesting Series Part 2
I have two words for you ... Just watch
Only a Brit could have pulled this off by the way :)
Only a Brit could have pulled this off by the way :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Weird and Interesting Series
For as long as i feel interested in weird stuff i will be posting any and every weird or bordering on the strange stuff here. From news that made headlines to the more obscure shit you wish you heard, everything will make it on here. For today here is a list of some strange or funny or just plain eye popping info i found on Stunningstuff..
1. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts... [ people barbie has a surname; hmm i wander who her grand kids are]
2. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class. [ what i want to know is if it costs AA 40k per extra olive per trip or for the entire year of 87... didn't know olives cost so damn much ]
3. 30% of Chinese adults live with their parents. [ i must be Chinese then]
4. 200 million people in China live on less than $1 a day.
5. There are 100 million internet users in China. Some of the sites they can't access are BBC news, Amnesty International and
6. In 2006, there were 398 million mobile (or cell) phones in China [ interesting side note; there are more mobile phones in mainland china than there are Americans...err... including all the illegals ;) ]
7. China is the source of 70% of the worlds pirated goods. [ the other 30% come from Somalia :) ]
8. 20% of the world's population lives in China.
9. People spend about two weeks of their lives at traffic lights!
10. Left handed people live slightly shorter lives than right handed people. [ that would explain a lot of things... like why parents beat their kids into righties over here ]
Check out these weird car crashes too...
1. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts... [ people barbie has a surname; hmm i wander who her grand kids are]
2. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class. [ what i want to know is if it costs AA 40k per extra olive per trip or for the entire year of 87... didn't know olives cost so damn much ]
3. 30% of Chinese adults live with their parents. [ i must be Chinese then]
4. 200 million people in China live on less than $1 a day.
5. There are 100 million internet users in China. Some of the sites they can't access are BBC news, Amnesty International and
6. In 2006, there were 398 million mobile (or cell) phones in China [ interesting side note; there are more mobile phones in mainland china than there are Americans...err... including all the illegals ;) ]
7. China is the source of 70% of the worlds pirated goods. [ the other 30% come from Somalia :) ]
8. 20% of the world's population lives in China.
9. People spend about two weeks of their lives at traffic lights!
10. Left handed people live slightly shorter lives than right handed people. [ that would explain a lot of things... like why parents beat their kids into righties over here ]
Check out these weird car crashes too...
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